Taylor's PB Energy Bites


To Get:

  • ¼ c date paste

  • 1 jar of creamy, unsalted all natural peanut butter

  • ¼ c each of ground flax and chia

  • 3-4 c of quick-cook oats

  • ¼ c coconut sugar

  • ½ c shaved coconut


To Do: 

  1. Blend date paste and add to pb

  2. Mix until smooth

  3. Add ground seeds and then slowly stir in oats

  4. Roll into approx 1 inch balls

  5. Roll formed balls into coconut sugar and shaved coconuts

  6. Refrigerate for at least one hour


Ah.mi Tip: These sweet treats can be stored in an airtight container in your fridge for up to a week!

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Mónica Larasnack